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Micromentis Products, MTPS, MTMS, MAPS


Mass Transit Payment Solution is a server side switching solution for execution of electronic toll transactions using RFID FASTag. MTPS is based on the NETC-Procedural Guidelines designed and composed by NPCI [National Payments Corporation of India]. MTPS is developed to support the necessities of Issuer Bank i.e. the bank which issues the RFID FASTag to the vehicle owners for payment processing through NETC eco-system.


Mass Transit Management Solution is a server side software solution used by member banks participating in NETC program for toll plaza acquiring. MTMS solution is designed considering the needs to toll plaza operators/concessionaires and low bandwidth plaza infrastructure. 

MTMS can be extended for processing the NETC transactions for parking, fuel payments or any other means of  payments requiring vehicle authentication.. 


Mass Transit Prepaid Solution is a prepaid accounting and wallet solution for banks and PPI. It supports all the three formats of closed loop, open loop and semi-closed loop payment network.  

Easy Payments & Checkout, Loyalty and Promotions, Compensation, Incident Management, Disbursement with dynamic rule-engine empowers banks and PPIs to extend their digital value chain


PayEasy is a fully integrated  24/7 electronic transaction processing platform for Bank and their Corporate & Retail Customers to process their  daily Payments and Collections transactions.  It offers a convenient single point of access across cash, trade and various Transaction Banking Services, allowing Bank’s to streamline their workflow processes.

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